Movie Poster: Hawkeye
-My main objective of this piece was to portray Hawkeye's quotes through his body and use the words to create his body and still look 3D.
-I primarily used the text tool, free transform tool, warp tool, clipping mask, cut and paste, and the polygonal lasso tool.
-The advantages of using a clipping mask are that you don't need to perfect every detail as it does it for you. You create what you want to keep and then everything else is empty space. It makes it easier to cut out what you want.
-Some of the challenges faced during this project were trying to fill in the space under the "t" as it was very open especially around the face, warping the "L" when it was on the edge, deciding what to do with the bow, and the size of the words.
-I successfully completed this project. I feel like I was able to warp the letters to fit the image and adjusted the size, shape, and direction to fit the image as well. You could read the quotes and identify who the charater is.